Love Thyself in Challenging Times

Take some time out to love yourself to stay safe and sane in these challenging times.

Ok, so it is pretty safe to say that most of us are just a little nervous about COVID-19. Itā€™s impacted every single one of us in some way, whether itā€™s lost jobs or reduced hours, finding new ways to care for loved ones, cancelled travel plans or full self-isolation. All of us are social distancing. And how time passes feels different. Itā€™s been almost 3 weeks since weā€™ve seen you in the studio which somehow feels like forever and no time at all! (Hmmā€¦ what day it is today?)

Itā€™s stressful! Thereā€™s no getting around that. As humans, the first thing we usually ignore when things get tough, is ourselves! But this is the time you need to love yourself. Selfcare and wellness is more important than ever, to keep your body strong and to help lower stress and increase immunity. Selfcare is your secret weapon to getting through this pretty unusual situation. (Oh, and online shopping!!!)

Experts recommend maintaining a routine. It just might not be your typical routine and will change a little each day. Maybe include things likeā€¦

  • Set your alarm and get up at a normal time
  • Have a shower, brush your teeth and get dressed (however tempting pjā€™s all day is!)
  • Eat meals at regular times
  • Stay in contact with friends and family, schedule virtual coffee catch-ups (pick us, weā€™re always up for a chat!)
  • Move ā€“ go for a walk, do some Pilates, dig the garden
  • Limit exposure to media coverage, watching the news once a day will be plenty to keep you updated
  • Try something new or different (some ideas below)


However you decide to stay safe at home, take time to look after you.

Virtual Hugs from us to you!

We Can Help

Whether youā€™re looking for some motivation to keep moving or just fancy a virtual coffee catch-up. Weā€™re here. Get in touch, weā€™d love to hear how youā€™re doing.

Keep up your Pilates practice with our online Pilates At Home sessions ā€“ join a class or take a private session with your favourite Move Move instructor, or get a program to follow yourself.

Not sure which option is right for you? Just Ask, weā€™ll help.

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