Women’s Health Week 2024

Women's Health Week 2024
Itā€™s your choice and your voice in this yearā€™s #WomensHealthWeek (2ā€“6 Sept 2024).

Weā€™re proud to join thousands of businesses across the country to support Jean Hailes Womenā€™s Health Week from 2 to 6 September 2024.

This yearā€™s theme celebrates the power of womenā€™s choice and voice. It will lift the lid on shame and raise the voice of women who feel unheard. By providing free, practical health information and advice, Jean Hailes arms women with the tips, tools and confidence to talk to their doctors, workplaces and families about their health concerns.

This year, new health resources will be released, including a nutrition guide for women, fact sheets on health issues affecting women in the workplace, and information on how to talk to your doctor.

Our focus for this women’s health week is on providing resources to women’s health information relevant to our community of women over 50.

Join the celebration.Ā For more information visit jeanhailes.org.au or womenshealthweek.com.au

Day 1 – Know your body

Do you know what health checks you should have and when you should have them? For most of use there’s a few we do know like breast & cervical screening. But what about other things?

Check out this guide for when you should get the important things checked.

At Move Move Pilates Cheltenham, we help you strengthen your bones everyday with weight-bearing exercise. Try this online assessment from Healthy Bones Australia to see how healthy your bones are.

daily topic courageous conversations instagram women's health

Day 2 – Courageous conversations

Sometimes it’s hard to talk about health stuff.Ā  Especially for us women, a lot of our health concerns have been dismissed or downplayed in the past.

Time to be courageous and talk about these things. Check out this guide to how to have conversations about a range of important women’s health concerns including menopause, bladder leakage and brain fog.

And check out this video about managing menopause.

daily topic shame and stigma instagram women's health

Day 3 – Shame and stigma

Often women’s health issues are considered taboo or things to be ashamed of.Ā Let’s redefine this today.

Menopause can impact our bladder and bowel control. This factsheet from the Continence Foundation of Australia helps you understand changes you might be experiencing and provides tips and resources to help you.


daily topic point of difference instagram women's health

Day 4 – Point of difference

Common health concerns affect women differently to men. And women report having their symptoms dismissed or played down more often than men.

Add in societal pressures to ‘not make a fuss’ or ‘just get on with it’ can lead to pain being ignored. In fact, many pain conditions like migraine affect more women than men.

Did you know that the warning signs for a heart attack can be different in women than men?

heart attack symptoms women vs men
daily topic trust your gut instagram women's health

Day 5 – Trust your gut

Figuring out how to eat more healthily can be hard. There’s so many conflicting messages out there.

And for women over 50 it can feel super complicated and overwhelming. These 5 dietary tweaks might just help simplify things.

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